Australian Partner Visas allow married or de facto (same or opposite sex) couples to enter and remain in Australia with their partner. If you are in a genuine committed relationship with a non Australian and you are an Australian Citizen, Australian permanent resident, an eligible New Zealand Citizen, there are a number of options for you and your spouse or de facto under the partner visa program.

• Subclass 820/801: Partner Visa
• Subclass 309/100: Partner Visa
• Subclass 300: Prospective Marriage Visa
• Subclass 482: TSS Family Visa
Subclass 820/801: Partner Visa (Apply in Australia)
► This is for the spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is planning to apply while they are inside Australia.
► This is a combination of temporary (820 visa) and permanent (801 visa). These two visas are applied together.
Subclass 820 Partner Visa (Temporary)
This visa is the first step towards a permanent Partner visa (subclass 801). You will be able to work and study while you hold this visa. You will also have access to Medicare.
You must be in Australia when you apply for this visa.
With this visa, you can temporarily live in Australia while we process your Subclass 801 Permanent Partner Visa.
This visa lets you study, live and work in Australia.
You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want.
From AUD8,085 for most applicants. You pay for the temporary and the permanent visa at the same time upon lodgement of visa online.
Processing Time
Can range between 6 months and 33 months depending upon if all the requirements are complete, if the form is filled incorrectly, or if the right amount for the visa was paid.
Be in a genuine relationship with your spouse or de facto partner who is an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen
Be in Australia when you apply for this visa and when we decide your temporary visa application. Family who apply with you must also be in Australia.
Subclass 801 Partner/Spouse Visa (Permanent)
This visa lets the de facto partner or spouse of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia permanently. It is usually only for people who currently hold a temporary Partner visa (subclass 820).
This is a permanent visa.
You paid for this visa when you made your combined application for the temporary and permanent partner visas.
Processing Time
From date of eligibility (2 years after the 309/100 application is lodged) to finalisation As part of efforts to reduce the size of this caseload, older and more complex permanent Partner cases are now being processed. These cases take longer to finalise and are impacting published processing times.
Must still be in a genuine continuing relationship with the spouse/ de facto partner who sponsored you.
Must have held Subclass 820 visa
* You can be in or outside Australia when the Department decide on your permanent Partner visa.
*Applicants who are in a long term relationship will often receive their visa approvals for the 820 and 801 at the same time.
Subclass 309/100: Partner Visa (Apply outside Australia)
► This visa is for the spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is planning to apply while they are outside Australia.
Partner/Spouse Visa (Provisional) Subclass 309
This visa lets the de facto partner or spouse of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia temporarily. Getting this visa is the first step towards a permanent Partner visa (subclass 100).
This is a temporary visa.
This visa lets you study, live and work in Australia.
This visa will lead you to permanent visa and must be applied outside of Australia. You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you want.
You pay for the temporary and the permanent visa at the same time upon lodgement of visa online.
Processing Time
Can range between 6 months and 27 months depending upon if all the requirements are complete, if form is filled incorrectly and if the right amount is paid.
In a genuine relationship with your spouse or de facto partner who is an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen
Be outside of Australia when you apply for this visa.
Subclass 100 Partner (Migrant) Visa
The visa lets the de facto partner or spouse of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, live in Australia permanently. It is usually granted to people who hold a temporary Partner visa (subclass 309).
This is a Permanent Visa.
You must hold Subclass 309 visa to be granted.
You will have paid for this visa when you applied for the combined temporary and permanent partner visas.
Processing time
from date of eligibility (2 years after the 309/100 application is lodged) to finalisation. As part of efforts to reduce the size of this caseload, older and more complex permanent Partner cases are now being processed. These cases take longer to finalise and are impacting published processing times.
Must still be in a genuine continuing relationship with the spouse/ de facto partner who sponsored you.
Must have held Subclass 309 visa
*You can be in or outside Australia when the Department decide on your permanent Partner visa.
Subclass 300: Prospective Marriage Visa (Apply outside Australia)
► This visa lets you come to Australia to marry your prospective spouse, then you can apply for Partner visa after to be able to stay permanently in Australia.
This visa is a 9 and 15 months temporary visa, that will give you a chance to marry your prospective spouse, so that you can apply for Partner Visa.
Processing Time
Can range between 7 months and 30 months depending upon if all the requirements are complete, if form is filled incorrectly and if the right amount is paid.
This visa can let the holder
stay in Australia for between 9 and 15 months from date of grant of visa
work in Australia
study in Australia at your own expense
travel in and out of Australia while your visa is still valid
be 18 years old or older
be sponsored
intend to marry your prospective spouse before the visa period ends
be outside Australia when you apply