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Subclass 820/801: Partner Visa (Apply in Australia)
► This visa is for the spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is planning to apply while they are inside Australia.
Partner/Spouse Visa (Temporary) Subclass 820
This visa is the first step towards a permanent Partner visa (subclass 801). You will be able to work and study while you hold this visa. You will also have access to Medicare.
Partner/Spouse Visa (Permanent) Subclass 801
This visa lets the applicant live in Australia permanently. It is for people who currently hold or have applied for a temporary Partner (subclass 820) visa.
*Applicants who are in a long term relationship will often receive their visa approvals for the 820 and 801 at the same time.
Subclass 309/100: Partner Visa (Apply outside Australia)
► This visa is for the spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is planning to apply while they are outside Australia.
Partner/Spouse Visa (Provisional) Subclass 309
This visa allows you to remain in Australia temporarily and is the first step towards a permanent Partner visa (subclass 100). You will be able to work and study while you hold this visa. You will also have access to Medicare.
Partner/Spouse Visa (Permanent) Subclass 100
The visa lets the applicant live in Australia permanently. It is for people who hold a temporary Partner (subclass 309) visa.